Your Personality Color
To discover your personality color, ask yourself:
"What is my favorite color?"
Answer this question now before reading any further.
Don't think about it, be spontaneous with your answer;
accept the first color that comes into your mind and don't analyze your choice.
accept the first color that comes into your mind and don't analyze your choice.
It is this instinctual choice of a color that tells you a lot about yourself, how you function and how others see you. It is the means to understanding your behavior and your character traits as well as your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. It reflects the way you operate in the world, your strengths and weaknesses, your vulnerabilities, your deepest needs and your challenges at that time in your life.
If you have two equally favorite colors, read the information on both to fully understand yourself and what motivates you.
Your personality color does not have to be one you wear all the time; it is usually your favorite, the color that excites you the most and makes you feel alive when you see it. That being said, you are often drawn to your personality color for clothing and home decorating. It is often a predominant color in your aura.
Dislike of a Color
The colors you dislike can tell you a lot about yourself as well, often reflecting your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Your most disliked color will relate to areas in your life that need to be given attention or past hurts that need to be healed. It is a good idea to try to incorporate a small amount of your disliked colors into your life by using them in clothing or underwear or in your home, to help balance your energies. Rejecting whole colors can create imbalances in your life.
Does everyone have a favorite color?
Most of us do and many of us have had the same one since childhood. Some will change this color once or more times during their lifetime while others will have one color for their whole lifetime. Some will prefer another color for a while, depending on their needs at that time, but will come back to their original favorite when those specific needs are met.
For those of you who don't think you have a personality color, look at the clothes you wear and the way you choose to decorate your home or office. Are there one or more colors you consistently choose? Then these will be the colors that reflect your personality and your deepest needs. Whether you like or dislike a color can be dependent on your own life experiences and your positive and negative associations to the color as well as your need for the qualities of that color.
Surround yourself with the colors you love, either by wearing them or using them decoratively in your environment. They will empower you to be true to yourself, to show your true colors.
Always use a small amount of other colors with your favorites to keep your energies and behavior balanced.
Have you changed your favorite color?
If you have changed your personality color, or favorite color, try to identify the circumstances surrounding your life at that time as your new favorite will reflect qualities you need to attract into your life to help you deal with those circumstances.
What does your favorite or personality color say about you?
While you may not exhibit all the character traits of your personality color, you will find yourself somewhere in the description. You may also find you exhibit some of the negative traits, particularly when you are stressed.
If your favorite color is red, you are action oriented with a deep need for physical fulfillment and to experience life through the five senses.
The color red is the color of energy, passion and action.
This color is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive. It exudes a strong and powerful masculine energy.
Red is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action.
If orange is your favorite color, you have a great need to be with people, to socialize with them, and be accepted and respected as part of a group. You also have a need for challenges in your life, whether it is physical or social challenges.
The color orange is the color of social communication and optimism. From a negative color meaning it is also a sign of pessimism and superficiality.

Choosing yellow as your favorite means you have a deep need for logical order in your everyday life and to be able to express your individuality by using your logical mind to inspire and create new ideas.
In the meanings of color in color psychology, the color yellow is the color of the mind and the intellect. It is optimistic and cheerful. However it can also suggest impatience, criticism and cowardice.
If green is your favorite, you have a deep need to belong, to love and be loved, and to feel safe and secure. You need acceptance and acknowledgment for the everyday things you do for others - just a 'thank you' is sufficient.
Green is the color of balance and growth. It can mean both self-reliance as a positive and possessiveness as a negative, among many other meanings.
Lovers of blue have a deep need to find inner peace and truth, to live their life according to their ideals and beliefs without having to change their inflexible viewpoint of life to satisfy others.
Blue is the color of trust and peace. It can suggest loyalty and integrity as well as conservatism and frigidity.
Indigo lovers have a need to feel in harmony and at one with the Universe and to be accepted by others as the aware and intuitive spiritual beings that they are.
Indigo is the color of intuition. In the meanings of colors it can mean idealism and structure as well as ritualistic and addictive.
If purple or violet is your favorite color, you have a deep need for emotional security and to create order and perfection in all areas of your life, including your spiritual life. You also have a deep need to initiate and participate in humanitarian projects, helping others in need.
Purple is the color of the imagination. It can be creative and individual or immature and impractical.

If your personality color is pink you have a deep need to be accepted and loved unconditionally.
The color psychology of pink is unconditional love and nurturing. Pink can also be immature, silly and girlish.
If your personality color is pink you have a deep need to be accepted and loved unconditionally.
The color psychology of pink is unconditional love and nurturing. Pink can also be immature, silly and girlish.
If turquoise is your favorite color your deepest need is to create emotional balance in your life, to be able to express your hopes and dreams no matter how idealistic they may be and to make your own way in the world under your own terms.
The color meaning of turquoise is communication and clarity of mind. It can also be impractical and idealistic.
If your favorite color is magenta, you are a non-conformist who sees life from a different point of view.
In the meaning of colors, magenta is a color of universal harmony and emotional balance. It is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life.
Lovers of brown have a deep need for a safe, secure, simple and comfortable existence with supportive family and friends.
The color brown is a serious, down-to-earth color that relates to security, protection and material wealth.

Lovers of black have a need for power and control in order to protect their own emotional insecurities.
Black is the color of the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, creating an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up inside, hidden from the world.
If white is your personality color, your deepest need is for simplicity in your own life and to be independent and self-reliant so you do not need to depend on anyone else.
White is color at its most complete and pure, the color of perfection. The color meaning of white is purity, innocence, wholeness and completion.
With gray as your favorite color, you are the middle of the road type, cool, conserved, composed and reliable. You tend to conform just to keep the peace.
From a color psychology perspective, gray is the color of compromise - being neither black nor white, it is the transition between two non-colors.
If silver is your favorite, you are intuitive and insightful and have a strong connection with a higher spiritual guidance.
The color silver has a feminine energy; it is related to the moon and the ebb and flow of the tides - it is fluid, emotional, sensitive and mysterious.
With a personality color gold, you radiate charisma, personality and individuality, making others feel relaxed and valued in your company.
Gold is the color of success, achievement and triumph. Associated with abundance and prosperity, luxury and quality, prestige and sophistication, value and elegance, the color psychology of gold implies affluence, material wealth and extravagance.
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