via: souzyandherbooks

Argentinian artist Pablo Lehmann transforms books and text by cutting them, leaving it to the reader to interpret the lovely web of words he weaves which resembles a net of lace paper.


via: we-love-rain

"No anthology of altered books would be complete without the remarkable work of Brian Dettmer of Atlanta, Georgia. Dettmer, who contributed the preface to this book, cuts up books with the deft skill of a neurosurgeon. As he cuts away, he reveals new words, stories and images, and breaths a new life into each of his works. As one would imagine, Dettmer's intricate handwork requires some very sharp x-acto blades, and he claims he buys them by the thousands. He admits he often replaces his blades about every ten or twenty minutes, depending upon the thickness of the paper he is cutting at the time."


We read to know that we are not alone.

Napolean III, was emperor of France from 1852 to 1870, and the nephew of Napolean Bonaparte, the first emperor of France from 1804 to 1815. This role earned him some very handsome stationery with a personal monogram of just the N. Or maybe he inherited this from his uncle. In either case, these two examples above are quite lovely. They were both found recently at Le Petit Musee de Lou, along with all the many others seen below. All were originally part of a much larger personal monogram collection which was likely assembled inside a scrapbook—a very popular pastime in Victorian times. These were sold individually and are no longer available unfortunately. You can look, but you cannot touch

via:: mrharristweed
A wonderful quote, shared by a wonderful follower: (and author!)
“Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.
Without books, the development of civilization would have been impossible.
They are engines of change, windows on the world, and lighthouses erected in the sea of time. They are companions, teachers, magicians, bankers of the treasures of the mind.
Books are humanity in print.”
– Barbara Tuchman
Thanks B.!
Read, write and create on!
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